Curry Run report and, oh, how my head aches

Last night's Curry Run was low on numbers but high on fun as the Runners headed to Cumin in Crow's nest. The night was kicked off in fine style at the Crows Nest Hotel with plenty of Cooper's consumed by the lads and much toot talked. Slightly late we headed off to the restaurant, a venue we've visted before, but back when it was Piar. Already a few sheets to the wind, many sheets were added with wine over a banquet of Lamb Rogan Josh, Butter Chicken, Beef Vindaloo, naan and rice - standard fare but nicely done. Much more toot was talked and promises to catch up when sober made (of which I've remembered a scant one)

Yah Boo Sucks to the runners who didn't make it (you know who you are) and Yay to those who did! And watch this space for a potential schism in the ranks as I begin to form an Inner West chapter of CRU for those of us on the right side of the bridge. Photos are available right here - submit caption ideas in the comments area...

posted @ Friday, December 8, 2006 10:31 AM


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# re: Curry Run report and, oh, how my head aches

Left by Rob at 12/13/2006 2:52 PM
Well you've kept this effort a secret for long enough- and your right. The following friday is always a slow start.. but worthwhile after a good night out with the CRU,
Did you see that there is some brou haha (sic) about the name... another restuarant Qmin ( best Indian restaurant... not sure who says... is suing these guys about the name change. Seems Cumin is getting customers who are expecting to go to the other one... that explains the name change.
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