Forthcoming "me" stuff

I'll be talking to Victoria Skeptics in June 2011 on Activism in general, or possibly the more specific online skeptical activism talk. Please see Vic Skeptics for more detail.

I should be appearing on a future edition of the Pseudoscientists Podcast, recorded at TAM Oz. Not sure when yet

I've received an invite to appear on "Meet The Skeptics!" sometime in the near future

I spoke to Maynard at TAM Oz. again, I have no idea when that will appear.

Sydney Drinking Skeptically happens on 14th December at the Town Hall in Newtown, but seems to clash with Rebecca Watson's appearance at the Manning Bar

Sydney Skepticamp is pencilled in for sometime around or on Easter Weekend 2011. That one's a secret, don't tell anyone.

Normal service will now be resumed.

posted @ Thursday, December 2, 2010 12:46 PM

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