@AthiestBot suspended

Yes, @AthiestBot, darling of the twitter Atheist community, has copped a suspension from Twitter.

He was a fun experiment while he lasted, managing to garner several death threats from loving, forgiving christian folk, and gathering an even larger quota of lulz via idiots who couldn't understand why it was called "AthiestBot".

There's an appeal in to twitter at the moment to reinstate the account, however there is a rule deep in twitter's documenttion about not @replying based on searches. How this is significantly different from a human or small group of humans @replying based on searches is unexplained - at least @AthiestBot has mechanisms to prevent multiple hassling and a "never talk to me again" function, which humans tend not to. And he's certainly not the only replybot out there. AthiestBot actually mentioned a couple in his guest post.

Still, I'm quite willing to work with Twitter to bring him back inside the rules and still generate some lulz.

And the database of tweets still exists, of course. Which is quite hilarious in and of itself.

posted @ Friday, August 26, 2011 2:29 PM


Comments on this entry:

# re: @AthiestBot suspended

Left by Dave The Happy Singer at 8/26/2011 4:02 PM
Clearly the only response is to create multiple new accounts.

Do this faster than Twitter can block them.

Give them names like @atheistJUSTICE2234ff. As losing your account is now simply collateral damage, you can be a little less polite. I suggest something like:

"For MISSPELLING sh&thead 'Marty' it's a-t-h-e-i-s-t. LOOK IN THE COARNFIELD."


# re: @AthiestBot suspended

Left by Jason at 8/27/2011 2:22 AM
Would it harm my reputation at all if I said I'd already written code for that but had it shelved for "emergencies"?
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