McDonald's can't McSpell. McRetards

I just passed by the Aria Awards on Channel 10 and happened to see one of the new McDonald's ads. You know the ones, where a couple of fresh-faced, demographically targeted kids go off on a mission to prove to their mates that McDonald's food is not artery-clogging crap.

Well, in this edition, they head off to Sydney to consult a “deititian”. Yes, that's right. The caption read “dietitian”.

Not Dietician, then?

Now, it must be noted that the seppoes sometimes spell this with the second 't', but we're in Australia here. It's Dietician. Not the yank version, thank you very much Ronald. Do what you will to pollute the collective arteries of the Western Suburbs but stop fucking with the language.

p.s. Daniel Johns just spray-painted 'PG for PM' on the Aria set. What a rebel*.

And yes, I've had a couple of beers, so the machine-gunning of butterflies is justified.

* by rebel I of course mean “total wanker”.

posted @ Sunday, October 29, 2006 10:32 PM


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# re: McDonald's can't McSpell. McRetards

Left by Angie at 3/22/2009 9:31 AM
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# re: McDonald's can't McSpell. McRetards

Left by Jason at 3/23/2009 1:36 AM
Wow. How completely meta
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