My Dry Year: August's selected charity

So, as I outlined in an earlier post, I'm extending my Dry July into a whole year, one charity per month, right up to August 2012. Each month I'll be remaining dry, though under Dry July rules I can obtain a golden ticket, at a minimum donation of $25, for one day back off the wagon.

August's charity of choice is

The Black Dog Institute

Mental health, especially depression, is something I've had my share of brushes with, and the work that BDI do has a genuine impact. If you agree, give them some money. In return, I'll stay off the booze. Or, if you're buying me a golden ticket, I'll have some booze. Up to you. Just give them some money.

In Dry July, for the POWH Cancer Centre, I used four golden tickets and raised about $240. In Vino Veritas raised $700, and Dry July as a whole made well over $2m for cancer charities in Australia. Nice work everyone!


posted @ Sunday, July 31, 2011 10:28 PM

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