The Climbing Report, Feb 17th and 18th 2007

So this weekend's climbing was different, yet productive. Saturday saw my sore fingertips heading out to Earlwood for a  short flying visit with Viv. we both had to be back before sunset, so after limping in on bare feet due to forgotten shoes, we slapped up a toprope on 'C', a 24-graded steep slab which we've played with once before.

This time, we were quite a bit stronger, and it took about three attempts to work out quite a neat sequence straight up the middle, and it was time to move on to the 'one push clean toprope'. This duly accomplished, we had to head off, so a return visit must be scheduled.

Sunday then was a return visit to Mount K with James Taylor, and we headed out to Faraway Wall, for another encounter with Memory Cathedral, 22 (F6c+). After some warmups, we got on there. Well, my fingers were a bit raw, and it was pretty humid, so I managed to pop off twice, badly skinning my knuckles on the second pop. See climbing gallery #2 for shots of the bloody aftermath. After that, James redpointed a newish 22 there, and I followed after for an attempted beta flash, falling off on a greasy crimp just below the difficulties eased. I completed all the moves, but declined the redpoint attempt due to finger pain and general hot weather malaise. So no new numbers for that day, sadly, but a good weekend overall.

A bouldering session is scheduled for this afternoon at Lindfield, but I think I'll be giving the climbing a miss and staying on spotter duty, need to rest up my poor fingers.

posted @ Monday, February 19, 2007 2:06 PM

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