I haven't blogged all week, which is quite unusual. Why? Well, on Monday I was sick as a dawg, and the general run-downness has carried through right up until last night. In short I was feeling very uninspired. It's a shame, because there's been some potentially good bloggin' that's passed me by.
OK< so what's happened with me? Well, on saturday night, depite the hurling, headaches and general malaise, I got to finally see the Pixies play live at Sydney's inaugural V Festival. Phenomenal show, immediately rocketing into my top five sets ever list. I've loved this band since the very early nineties and when they split up I figured that was my chance gone, but along with thousands of others I finally got the wish granted, and it was magic.
We didn't get to enjoy the whole of the festival as I was horribly sick for most of saturday, but we did catch Beck and The Pet Shop Boys. Comments on the festival overall? they need more trash bins. I have never seen so many beer cans on the ground in my life. Aside from that, spacious, well catered, seemingly good security, damn good sound, and a convenient location. The venue itself is not a patch on Newington Armoury (where I'll be this weekend) for scenery and variety, but still a festival of this magnitude in the middle of Sydney? Gets my vote.

What else has been going on? well, I'm a matter of a few kills from the end of Crackdown, which I have to say is one of my favourite XBox 360 games, despite some initial reservations. Above is a small sample of achievemant badges picked up during the course of the game. This could be the upside of being too sick to leave the house - you get to thrash through games without feeling like you genuinely lack a life (even though that's the clear implication). Last night I took out 'Wang', the last of the bosses, and I just have the last mopping up to do, then I move on to the stunt driving achievements and the time trials, which I guess is the more freeform gameplay mode.
What else has been going on? Well, not a lot. I shall post more after/during the Great Escape this weekend.