Catch A Fire Ministries: Pinnacle of tasteless irony and horror

The blogosphere's been all over this today, but I've been kind of offline. And had to spend some time responding to cosmological bollocks.

In response to the weekend's horrendous bushfires throughout Victoria, we have possibly the biggest piece of  religious fuckwittery since Falwell blamed 9/11 on teh gayz.

Brace yourself. Here's the epic religious fucktardery in its original form.

 So, according to some dude with a fucking ridiculous moustache, Victoria is on fire, and many people are dead, and all because of a change to Victoria's abortion laws. God, in his mercy, has withdrawn his protection, and immediately the entire state has burst into flames.

Pastor Danny, I can really only say this:

You are a cunt

No, actually, you are a massive, cock-swallowing, fuckwitted, self-interested, opportunist, moronic, ambulance chasing fucktard and cuntbucket.

Fuck you, and the cockroaches you rode in on. And shave your fucking stupid moustache.

Oh, and next time you see god, tell him I called him a cunt too. Prick.


posted @ Tuesday, February 10, 2009 9:08 PM


Comments on this entry:

# re: Catch A Fire Ministries: Pinnacle of tasteless irony and horror

Left by OzAtheist at 2/10/2009 9:35 PM
Why don't you really tell us what you think of this fucktard.

I've been reading many of the blogs discussing this, so far yours is the funniest and most acerbic.

# re: Catch A Fire Ministries: Pinnacle of tasteless irony and horror

Left by Sean the Blogonaut at 2/10/2009 9:59 PM
Yeah all I had time for today was a short post and insult today. I wonder if we will hear any criticism from the PM?

# re: Catch A Fire Ministries: Pinnacle of tasteless irony and horror

Left by snerd at 2/10/2009 10:24 PM
Come on, tell us how your *really* feel.

Sean; yes, I can only imagine the political pickle Kev is in - call out the douchebags on their douchiness, and kill their critical Stephen Fielding Nutbag vote, or mumble into his Milo and get Richo to make some deals and let the boil fester under the skin some more.

I suspect the latter. Wish I didn't. I'm cynical enough as it is and I had some hope for Kev last year.

# re: Catch A Fire Ministries: Pinnacle of tasteless irony and horror

Left by Michael at 2/11/2009 2:28 AM
If Nalliah's god is a loving god (that's what the propaganda says) then the love is really perverted sadism.

# re: Catch A Fire Ministries: Pinnacle of tasteless irony and horror

Left by Suzanne at 2/11/2009 7:31 AM
These fuckwits give the rest of us a bad name. Shit happens; the world is a dangerous place. If we're going to blame anyone, let's blame the emotionally stunted cretins who deliberately lit the damn fires.

# re: Catch A Fire Ministries: Pinnacle of tasteless irony and horror

Left by Dave at 2/11/2009 9:18 AM
It is a stupid thing to say with no basis in the Bible.
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