What I'm doing this weekend

Jamison Valley from Katoomba. Wikimedia Commons

Well, I'm doing this. Yep. I'm crossing the Blue Mountains, from Lithgow to Penrith, utilising as little actual road as possible, on my shiny BMC Speedfox Mountain Bike. I'll be packing a small backpack tonight, then stupidly early in the morning I'll be riding to the train station, whence I shall board a train to Lithgow. From there I intend to go over Hassan's Walls, into Hartley Vale, up onto Mount York via Lawson's Long Alley, along the plateau to Blackheath, down to Lake Medlow, then back up via Katoomba Airfield to Mini-Ha-Ha Road and Katoomba itself.

I shall stay overnight in Katoomba, partaking in a beer or several (anyone in the area is most welcome to join me for beer, by the way), then on Sunday I will continue via backroads down to Wentworth Falls, where I'll pick up Anderson's Firetrail through the Blue Labyrinth to Woodford, then The Oaks Firetrail to Glenbrook, then Knapsack Park into Emu Heights and thence to the Red Cow in Penrith, where I expect to have one or two further beers before riding 50km back to Sydney. Or jumping back on the train if I've had one or two too many of those beers or if my legs are dead. Again, if you're in the area, pop along.

I'm expecting to tweet occasionally as I emerge from the bush into civilisation, so you can keep an eye on my progress via Twitter. Who knows, you might be the one to spot a message asking for a rescue helicopter.

posted @ Friday, March 30, 2012 5:31 PM


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# re: What I'm doing this weekend

Left by shellity at 3/30/2012 5:43 PM
Go you good thing. Hope it all goes smoothly.
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