Tendon Injuries; A Fact Of Climbing Life

So after last weekend's strenuous session at SICG has had some longer-term repercussions. i've got rather a nasty bit of tendon pain now. A session bouldering at The Big Pump and The Block in Lane Cove Valley proved the pain, despite getting up a V3 and having a good crack on State Of Origin. I'm now thoroughly taped up and a tad worried about tomorrow's impending session. It's raining though, meaning indoors and potential new injury.

So, here's the deal. Rest. Ice. Compression. Elevation

  • Rest it. dont pull hard
  • Ice. thin tea-towel with half a tray of ice-cubes. hold it hard. you'll go a little numb, but hey, that's probably a good thing.
  • Compression. In my case, taping up
  • Elevation. or at least keeping bloodflow down.

 My old regime for soft-tissue injuries used to be the above plus exercise. A lot of aerobic exercise. These days I don't have the time. Damn, I need to stay off it.... Oh well. 23 flash day could be tomorrow. Luck!

posted @ Friday, November 10, 2006 9:34 PM

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