Nice things for Vista: BBC and Live Messenger Gadgets

Over at Cener's Gadget Gallery, you'll find a couple of nice Windows Vista gadgets that I'm fond of. One is a Live messenger connected instant messenger gadget, which is cute. The other is a BBC Radio gadget, allowing you to listen to BBC live streams from your sidebar. I'm also running an equivalent for Australia's ABC Radio, On which I'm currently listening to TripleJ, though I have no recollection of where I got that from. That being the case I've uploaded it here: ABC Radio Gadget for Vista. Hopefully not violating any licence terms or anything, please let me know if I am.

On the subject of Vista, I'm now running RTM - Enterprise at the office, of course, and Ultimate on my Alienware Area 51, and can report few problems so far. RTM is more stable, seemingly, than RC2 and I haven't experienced any significant issues so far. Rather boring I know, but hey, an OS that works IS boring. It's meant to be - it just stays in the background and works without intruding. Boredom is the best I could ask for.

posted @ Friday, November 17, 2006 11:19 AM

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