LittleBigPlanet, or "why I might want a PS3 after all"

I've been distinctly underenthusiastic for the coming PS3 launch, as you might expect from someone with a healthy helping of Sony-unlove, but Spong just highlighted something which is making me think.

Maybe I want one

First of all, Katamari Damacy. OK, this may be coming to XBox 360, so it's not a selling point for the PS any longer. But check this out instead

This is LittleBigPlanet - something rather neat looking from a bunch of pommie guys with an out-of-the-box perspective. The degree of physics-realism is startling. Armadillo Run was a nice intro to realistic physics, but add to that the high-quality imagery and rich colour you see in this game, and you have something rather special.

I'm also something of a sucker for cute games with a kid streak. Ref: the Lego Star Wars franchise.

Here's part two of the above video.

So the question is this. Do I buy one? Indeed, CAN I buy one?

posted @ Thursday, March 22, 2007 12:13 PM


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# re: LittleBigPlanet, or "why I might want a PS3 after all"

Left by TristanK at 3/23/2007 1:32 AM
As I was saying before - it's now a $1000 game. And I'm not paying $500 for Motorstorm just yet (F1 is always welcome, though).

So, a PS3 right now would be oh, $250-odd per game, and, um, no. I'll wait until it's price-dropped before I get it. Unless LBP is really a $1000 game!
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