Wow, a whole week since my last post?

Must have been busy...

Oh yeah, that's right. I was.

Anyway, on to business. What's going on in the world? Well, The Cold War Kids played the Forum (Entertainment Quarter, formerly Fox Studios) on Friday night, in the last show of their current tour. I expected, well, not a hell of a lot - I've got the album, and while it's definitely damn good, the production gives it a slightly flat character, and isn't the most standout album of the past year by any means.

Post-show, if they released a live album, I'd be first in the queue.

Yes, commitment was the watchword of the evening. Support band Bells Will Ring showed some promise, with skin-pummeling drumming and a solid opening set. then the Kids arrived. Impressed I was from the get-go. Seriously solid sound, energy and an upbeat rendering of tracks stomping right through Robbers and Cowards, and an edge I didn't suspect existed from the album alone. Top moments: Wine-bottle percussion and hammering cymbal on "Saint John", kick-ass, chest-thumping rendition of "Hang Me Up To Dry" and house lights out - torches on for "Robbers". And marvellous Rickenbacker bass high in the mix. Sweet.

Four stars.

Saturday was climbing day, off at New York in the Blue Mountains, where we found some great lower-grade climbing, including one grade 15 which we think would be a perfect first lead for an aspiring blueys cimber, followed by pies at the Gardners.

On Sunday, we gained a new resident at the house, as Esther's cousin has moved into 'the chalet', and that brings us to the new working week, and a belated Monday Musical Madness.

I'll have next weeks' MMM on time, honest. I have something quirky planned!

posted @ Tuesday, June 5, 2007 11:55 AM

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