Monday Musical Madness: Modest Mouse, Man

Modest Mouse ::dashboard:: from grace lee on Vimeo.

YoooToooob has all of MM's official videos embed-embargoed because they're with the fundamentally evil really nice Sony/BMG records. So I got the FAIL, autoplaying official player via Resolution is small, but music is goooood. I used Vimeo instead

Some things of note:

  • Isaac Brock is seemingly obsessed with the sea/the ocean/hemingway themes/salty sea-doggery
  • I would personally sacrifice both your parents to have even an iota of Isaac's songwriting ability
  • Banjo is win
  • Every MM bassline is brilliant, even the onces that aren't
  • Johnny Marr, who joined for "We Were Dead..." is now cred again, and is in fact now elevated to demi-god* status
  • Paul prefers their old stuff, but I would happily play "Bukowski", "The Ocean Breathes Salty", "The View", "March Into The Sea" and "Dashboard" on rotation for the next bajillion years
  • Behind-the-scenes goodness here

So Modest Mouse are today's Monday Musical Madness

* metaphorically speaking

posted @ Monday, December 29, 2008 4:33 PM


Comments on this entry:

# re: Monday Musical Madness: Modest Mouse, Man

Left by Paul at 12/30/2008 12:49 AM
I think you need to be much more of an asshole is you want to write like Isaac. Better start alienating people now.

P.s. Grey Ice Water for the win...

# re: Monday Musical Madness: Modest Mouse, Man

Left by Jason at 12/30/2008 11:06 AM
I try to alienate people, I really do, but they keep coming back

is this a good thing Y/N?
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